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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Sed nec molestie justo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Sed nec molestie justo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Sed nec molestie justo
MAA KIRAN Computer Institute it has been running Under the Aegis of MSME Reg. with Govt. of India. MAA KIRAN Computer Institute is An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute, is a leading IT Education Provider Institution in India with strong presence in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra. In the present scenario where technology is playing pivotal role in dictating growth, there is a need for focused and specialized education to meet the ever changing to demands of industry MAA KIRAN Computer Institute is the right answer to that need.
Our mission is to develop human resources to discover and disseminate computer knowledge to extend computer knowledge and its application beyond the boundaries of the MAA KIRAN Computer Institute is a Non Profit Voluntary Organization. It has been established for providing a right platform of quality education with affordable fee in computer and Information technology education. Inherent in this broad mission are extended education and public service designed to educate people and improve the human condition.
Our vision is to be a trusted and respected name in the IT education industry, known for producing competent and skilled individuals who can thrive in the dynamic world of technology. We aspire to empower our students with the knowledge, expertise, and confidence necessary to excel in their careers and contribute to the digital revolution.